Monday, January 19, 2009

Close To My Heart!!

I just wanted to post and let ya all know that my Kick Off Home Gathering for Close To My Heart will be Saturday, January 31st. I am gonna do a little give away for some cute little 1" stamps to all my online buddies. Any order you place with me between now and Satruday, 1/31 will earn you a FREE stamp!! You can check out all the products on my website:
But in order to qualify for the FREE stamps, you need to send me an e-mail at and let me know you wish to place an order, and I will send you an invitation. Easy Peasy!! If you have any questions regarding any of our products, how to become a consultant, how to earn more FREE stamps or to get the January Promotion Key To My Heart...let me know!! Happy Shopping!!


Shanna (aka sjl202) said...

That's awesome! Shoot me an email!!

Keeley Kirwan said...

I just sent it to your home e-mail and work. I had sent it to you home one this weekend so maybe you didn't get it. Let me know!!

Thanks Shanna!!

Jen Patrick- Roxybonds Creates said...

Yay Yay!!!!!

Go Keels!