Nathan has been wrestling for the Verona Wildcats since he was in Kindergarten.
His first year he pinned 7 kids in the 7 tournaments he went to.
We were quite impressed, and he was having a great time.
Most tournaments have a Pre-K and Kindergarten No Crying Policy.
It's hard to watch when the little guys (and gals) lose because for many of them crying just happens.
We were lucky in that Nathan never cried, and we made sure to tell him what a big boy he was for understanding that he was there to have fun...Win OR Lose!
In those 7 tournaments he took more 3rd and 4th places with a couple 2nds. No 1sts, but he had fun.
Last year he went to 6 tournaments and had 4 total pins.
Last year was more difficult for him as he was now in 1st grade so he wrestled with the 1st and 2nd graders.
He was no longer the big Kindergartner with the Pre-K kiddos.
He had more 2nd and 3rd place finishes than 4th place though.
Still No 1sts, but he had fun.
This year Nathan made it his goal to get at least one 1st place finish. He was determined!
I am SUPER happy to say he succeeded at that.
He tied for 1st place at the Sugar River Tourney which ultimately ended him in 2nd place with 2 pins.
Then he got 1st place in Waunakee at the Badger Challenge
with 2 pins.
And I'm happy to report that he took 1st place this past weekend at the Oregon Youth Tourney with all 3 pins!
Check him out in action!
Last year he got 2nd place at this tournament and received a trophy, but it was not as impressive in Nathan's eyes as that silver wrestler pictured above.
On the way to Oregon he told my husband how he was going to work so hard and really wanted to get 1st place as he REALLY wanted that awesome looking trophy!
He was also excited about this tournament as he got to take the bracket home.
Most tournaments give the 1st place finisher the bracket, but the Badger one did not so he was kind of bummed.
Also pictured above is the only other Verona wrestler that attended this tournament.
Nathan and Jay BOTH took 1st place!
Both boys thought that was pretty cool, and so did us parents...LOL!
We were super proud of Nathan!
At the end of the 3rd match you can see what a good sport he is with the extra pat on the kid's back.
Wrestling has made him tougher physically,
more determined mentally,
and he appreciates the sport and his fellow competitors more.
Follow Nathan's 2013-14 Wrestling Season:
2nd Place -- Sugar River Rambler
1st Place -- Badger K-6 Challenge
1st Place -- Oregon Youth Tourney

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