I wanted to give a HUGE shout out to the newest members of the
From the Heart Embellishers Team.
Welcome Ladies and Congratulations.
You are going to LOVE Close To My Heart and
ALL it has to offer you.
I'm sooooo happy you chose our CTMH family to join.
You ARE Welcome Here.
Joined Us in Quarter 1:
1/3 -- Maureen Palmatier (1st Level)
1/10 -- Angie Mead (1st Level)
1/17 -- Kari Brown (1st Level)
1/29 -- Ann Roettger (1st Level)
2/20 -- Carol Guziewski (1st Level)
2/23 -- Tammy Lubick (1st Level)
2/20 -- Carol Guziewski (1st Level)
2/23 -- Tammy Lubick (1st Level)
3/7 -- Susanne Prince (2nd Level)
I can't wait to see what 2014 brings you and
your Close To My Heat business.
We look forward to helping you along your CTMH journey.
Congrats Ladies!!
Congrats Ladies!!
If you are interested in joining Close To My Heart
check out the following links:
FAQs About Joining CTMH
My CTMH Resume
How Do I Become A Close To My Heart Consultant?
Consultant Kit
And if you are ready to join:
Join My Team

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