Did you know that all Close To My Heart consultant's are given the opportunity to attend Convention? CTMH even put together a payment plan called Dollars to DC to help ease the pocketbook. I definitely took advantage of it for this trip and will again for Disneyland!!

I love the above photo of the awesome window decals and the stairs, in the below photo, embedded with what Convention 2010 was all about!! PICTURE THIS!!

WE are Close To My Heart
Fly on the wings of CREATIVITY
A community built on HEART
The framework for SUCCESS
SOAR like a butterfly
Wear the CROWN of your ACHIEVEMENTS!!
Above are my roomies and fellow Close To My Heart Sista's.
Jen Patrick (left) is my upline from California,
Jodi Brewster (left center) from Florida,
Me (right center) from Wisconsin and
Gail Blask (right) from California.
I had a wonderful time with these ladies and look forward to next year!!
If you don't want to miss out on all the excitement of Close To My Heart's 2011 Convention at the Disneyland Hotel in Anaheim, California you better contact me ASAP to find out how to join my growing "From the Heart Embellishers" team!! I want to share this experience with you!!
Jen Patrick (left) is my upline from California,
Jodi Brewster (left center) from Florida,
Me (right center) from Wisconsin and
Gail Blask (right) from California.
I had a wonderful time with these ladies and look forward to next year!!
If you don't want to miss out on all the excitement of Close To My Heart's 2011 Convention at the Disneyland Hotel in Anaheim, California you better contact me ASAP to find out how to join my growing "From the Heart Embellishers" team!! I want to share this experience with you!!
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